PT Trifos Internasional Sertifikasi (TRIC) merupakan salah satu perusahaan Jasa Inspeksi Periodik yang telah mendapatkan izin penunjukan dari Kemeterian Ketenagakerjaan Republik Indonesia sebagai Perusahaan Jasa Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja sesuai Keputusan Direktorat Jenderal Pembinaan Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan dan Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja No. 5/557/AS.02.00/VI/2022 tanggal 29 Juni 2022.
Hubungan Kerja
Dalam melaksanakan pemeriksaan dan pengujian, TRIC juga melakukan koordinasi sejak awal hingga proses penerbitan hasil riksa uji kepada tim pengawas PJK3 di Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Provinsi. Koordinasi ini merupakan wujud komitmen TRIC sebagai perusahaan jasa pihak ketiga yang independen, transparan, berintegritas, serta penjaminan mutu atas hasil pemeriksaan dan pengujian.

Scope of work for inspection and pre-shipment supervision of loading and unloading operations worldwide for the petroleum industry.
We offer the ability to perform the following services:
- Survey for Loading and Discharging for Crude Oil and Petroleum Products
- Bunker Survey
- Liquid Cargo Sampling

The scope of the inspection relates to the storage, delivery at each stage of transportation in quantities of various liquids including chemical products, organic and inorganic industrial chemicals, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) and LNG
- Liquid Cargo Sampling
- Loading and Discharge for Chemicals and petrochemical
- Loading and Discharge for LNG and LPG
- Loading and Discharge for Palm Oil

- On/Off Hire Condition of Vessel, Tug and Barge
- Draft Survey
- Port Captaincy
- Towing and Lashing Inspection
- Condition of or Damage to Vessels
- Pre-Purchase Condition
- P & I Entry
- Tank Calibration
- Cargo Hold Cleanliness
- Tank Cleanliness

- Tally & Condition
- Container Inspection
- Inspection for Cargo Quantity and it’s Condition during Stuffing into OR Unstuffing from its Container
- Pre-Shipment or Pre-Loading Condition
- Weightment and Measurement
- Break bulk, Opening Seals / Unsealing
- Condition of or Damage to Cargo
- Cargo Sampling
- Collateral Management

- Quantity Determination
- Quality Determination
- Quantity, Sampling and Analysis

Loading Unloading Survey
- Quantity Determination
- Quality Determination
- Quantity, Sampling and Analysis

- Quantity Determination
- Quality Determination
- Quantity, Sampling and Analysis

- PJK3 Listrik dan Instalasi Penyalur Petir
- Generator Set
- Fire Alarm
- Instalasi Hydrant
- Instalasi Sprinkler
- Lift / Elevator
- Eskalator
- Travelator
- Forklift
- Dump Truck
- Backhoe Loader
- Wheel Loader
- Bulldozer
- Excavator
- Tractor
- Mobile Truck Crane
- Crawler Crane
- Hoist Crane
- Gondola Lift
- Jib Crane
- Tower Crane
- Tangki Timbun
- Kompressor
- Boiler
- Bejana Uap
- Bejana Tekan
- Autoclave
Hubungi tim kami untuk mendapatkan informasi lengkap
Marketing Wilayah Surabaya| | 081334448930
Marketing Wilayah Sumatera | | 082246333311
Wahyu Adi Purwono| | 085329990013
Ibnu| | 081991199180